
Discussion in 'Web Design & Programming' started by Egaladeist, Oct 17, 2004.

  1. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    First of all...I would like to point out...and thank..Sniper for being instrumental in solving what was causing me a major pain in the ........
    Secondly...as a general request...does anybody have any advice on how to publish and get the word out about my site...
    any suggestions will be useful....thanks :good:
  2. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    One way is to have a link in your signature on forums, e.g. like mine! Look at the top forums for the edit signature link or [link=http://www.hardwareforums.com/profile.php?do=editsignature]click here[/link]

    other options are asking people to exchange links (related sites) so you have a link to their site and they in return have a link back to you, in most cases if you have a new site, people tend not to wana exchange links, so you could end of emailing loads of people!

    You could pay to advertise your site...there are lots of ways you can go about it really!
  3. Addis

    Addis The King

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    Submit your url to google. But thats not totally reliable.
  4. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    Add some MetaTags within in the document (unless this is what Sniper told you to do), then submit it to google. That'll speed it up if your Tags are really relevant.
  5. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    Thanks Sniper for the advice....addis..I would if I knew what an url is....waffle..what's a metatag?
    You guys need to teach me in baby computer language because I'm so new at this I'm not just a newbie...I'm a newborn...
    thanks for responding...I really do appreciate it..but I look at most of the threads ( like I was looking at the Bargain and another zone yesterday ) and I haven't got a clue what you guys are talking about...you're leaps and bounds ahead of me :good:
  6. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    URL is short for: "Uniform Resource Locator" - The World Wide Web address of a site on the Internet. The URL for hardwareforums is: "www.hardwareforums.com"

    A Metatag is an HTML command that defines keywords on a website
    for example: goto: Ebuyer (Computer Retailer)
    now goto: "VIEW" in your menu at the top, click "source" or VIEW "Page Source" (in firefox) this shows you the HTML code of the website you are viewing.

    On Ebuyers Website the metatag bit is this bit:
    You see the web designer has merely repeated the meta tag command, and entered all keywords that are associated with the content of the website.
    (the more metatag keywords you have on your site, the easier it will be to find via search engines)

    If you would like to understand a slight bit more i would suggest you have a look at this website:


    follow the website exactly as it says, in your own time, and you will understand things alot easier. hope this helps

    if you have further queries you can add me to msn or e-mail me, and i am more than willing to help you out as web design is one of my strong points.
  7. harrack52

    harrack52 Supreme Geek

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    On a side note, if you search for, let's say, Koalas that live underwater, and you end up clicking on a porn site, and wonder how Koalas are related to porn, you now know that, in that case, meta tags were used to trick the search engine.
  8. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    Thanks...ProcalX...and thanks for the offer I'll probably take you up on that....is that your website...or..just a good place to get information?

    And..as far as gaming goes I'm much better at pinball...the arcade games take a little getting used to...don't have a sega...etc...I guess I'm the old man around here...my son's older than most everybody here...but I'm up to the challenge...high scores beware...they'll be dropping like flies
  9. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    Wellllll....I've never seen an underwater koala but if I ever do I hope I have a camera :p

    Thanks..I understand what meta tags are now...but what about the 1,324,675,897,345 things I don't know...need major help!

    by the way...I'm a canuck too....we're slowly and ever so covertly taking over the world...hehehehehehehehehe! :good:
  10. harrack52

    harrack52 Supreme Geek

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    What do you want to know exactly ?
    I could help you in programming, as for the rest, I know as much as someone else.

    We're not gonna' take over the world with Martin, that's for sure.
  11. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    you're right there...what's he worth? ...300-400 million...like he can relate to the average Canadian! :eek:
  12. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    Basically, if you follow the link i posted previously, and go through all stages of the website, you will start to understand the basics of web design, then you will ask questions, wonder how to do things e.t.c, and once you get to that stage, that's where we come in, by learning the basics, your building a foundation of knowledge that we can then help you build on.

    I'm good with hardware, but im better at web design / coding
    see these websites:
    http://www.team-destiny.tk (design and coded) although the code is not very hard
    http://www.alias-cs.co.uk - coded that

    Once i find some good asp hosting, preferably free i will upload my asp script i've written. - my first all in one content management system :) and it's very easily intergrated into any web site design
  13. harrack52

    harrack52 Supreme Geek

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    www.w3schools.com <------- This is your best friend for web programming: XHTML, JS, etc.

    I don't know much about web programming, but I know Java enough to make interesting programs.
  14. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    right now I have a functional albeit very simple 15 page web site in development...now ...I need to incorporate some simple animations to make the site a little more interesting...my DHTML won't let me make things move...when I click "mouse over" and then action...the only action that gets displayed is formatting all the others " fly in,etc..." are that colour that tells you they're not accessible :confused:
  15. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    Not 100% clear on what you are describing as the problem, but to apply a line of Dynamic HTML to a picture or button e.t.c you must apply it to each individual picture or button, if you don´t it will apply it to the whole page, and you will get the same pictures / buttons doing the same thing.

    If you are having trouble with links (by the sound of it) make sure that the path you specified, is correct to where the image is.

    As i said, i´m not sure that i have understood your post, so please post back with a screenshot, or.. upload your website to the web and i will have alook :)
  16. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    Sniper has suggested screenshots before...but I don't know how to do a screenshot... :confused:

    how do you upload a web? :confused: ..I had mentioned before in another forum ( or thread ) that I'd like you to take a look at my web...so this would be a good opportunity to get both your advice and your opinion :good: ...keeping in mind that I've only been playing with computers for almost four months now and I'm not looking for a fancy site..just practical and well working... :good:

    and I take criticism very well...even strong criticism...if it's constructive...so feel free to speak your mind you're not going to hurt my feelings...I already know I've got alot to learn... :good:

    I'd like to add a few features like "back to top( of the page ) " thingy's...and a few simple animations like words flying in and out, etc...just to make it a little more interesting...yet keeping it simple and practical :good:
  17. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    Basically there are two different ways to put your files on the web, one is called FTP and the other is by using a website..

    Now first of all you need some where where you can upload your files to (a web host) - a web host is like a big hard drive, thats always on the internet, each user has his own folder and can upload / edit / delete their files :)

    I'll give you some webspace on my own server:
    Username: [email protected]
    Password: I Private Messaged you with it :)

    now all you have to do is open up your Internet Browser and type this in the address bar: ftp://tea.ascuk.net you will now be asked to enter a username and password. Your username is: [email protected] and the password you know.

    Now once you are successfully in the folder, you will see a file saying "HI" that i put in it :) now all you have to do is "drag & drop" your files next to the file saying "HI". then tell me once u've done it.. and i will have alook at the website for you :)
  18. harrack52

    harrack52 Supreme Geek

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    About your "back to top" button. It's very easy to do and you only need basic XHTML to do it. You will have to use the <a name> tag. Go on the site I provided and it should all be there.

    About your "animations". With the new standards, you need to use styles, either with the <style> tag or within a .css file (Cascading Style Sheets). To apply certain instructions to specific parts of the code, you will need to create classes, and describe those classes in your .css file.

    Also, you will need to validate your code to make sure it works with every browser, which you can do here: http://w3.validator.org

    To validate your html page, you will need the <doctype> tag and you will also need to write some code in the <html> tag, which I believe no one knows by heart, but http://www.w3schools.net should have all the info, here's an example for XHTML 1.0 Transitional:

    Of course if you're doing XHTML 1.0 Strict or 1.1 Strict then this won't work (i.e. it will give you errors).

    Be advised that in XHTML 1.x Strict, you cannot use frames, you have to use tables instead.

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