
Discussion in 'Graphics Design' started by Waffle, Nov 1, 2004.

  1. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    Hey all, and welcome to Graphic Design!

    This board will contain anything and everything related to Photoshop, Paintshop Pro, Cinema 4D, Drawing, Sketching, Doodles and Flashing( :p ).

    If you have a design you would like to show off, then post it here!

    If you have a problem with any of the aforementioned programs, post it here!

    Also - if you would like a customized signature for this, or any other website, leave a specification, including links to images of the desired piece at the Sticky Post at the top. Some one will get back to you, via a PM, or in the Pick up thread, also a sticky.

    I hope to introduce a SOTW - Signature of the Week contest, or maybe a monthly one depending on how things turn out. These can be judged by the Admins or Mods, and occasionally, if one of us have something to give away, prizes are to be won!

    If you are already into the designing, please post tutorials, tips and tricks.

    Well, that's it. I think.

    Laters. :good:
  2. ninja fetus

    ninja fetus I'm a thugged out gangsta

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    Made this with GIMP 2.0. by Ninja Fetus photo editing n00b.
    This is one of my first pictures made entirely from scratch. Comments?

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    • yay.jpg
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      77.9 KB
  3. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    Nice work Ninja, its pretty colour full disco lighting...hehe
  4. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    Gnarly dude. It would make a decent background for a signature or banner!
  5. do50

    do50 Big Geek

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    Doesn't look noob. Are you working with a stylus?
  6. ninja fetus

    ninja fetus I'm a thugged out gangsta

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    what can I say? I'm a natural :p
  7. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    Kudos to whoever's idea it was to have a graphics zone :good: ...should have thought of that myself , considering I was an illustrator for twenty years... :)

    now I just need to learn how to do it on a computer..instead of paper :good:
  8. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    You can post any thing graphic related here!

    Scan it or take a photo of your work and post it here!

    It would be good to see some more contributions to the forum, to like get some more posts and stuff.

    Did you design the tiger in your avatar? If so, that is very, very good!
  9. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    I don't know how to post pictures...I have a scanner...how do you post from a scanner? :confused:

    Thanks Waffle...I drew the tiger for a tee-shirt design for a zoo but they opted for another of my designs with a tiger and a girl...ink and watercolour...I'm glad some people still appreciate hand drawn artwork... :good:

    in fact that is the basis for my developing website...to sell my services and the services of other artists...don't know what kind of reception it'll receive...computers put alot of us out of work...I haven't drawn anything myself for over seven years :) not since my daughters were born...haven't had the time :good:
  10. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    Scan the image to your PC, and then use whatever image program you have to open it with. Then save it as a .jpg, and post it as normal.
  11. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    you do realize your talking to a total n0ob when it comes to computers :D I have no idea what you mean by " post it as normal "...I've never posted a picture and don't have a clue how...I can post a reply like this...but I can't type in a picture... ;)
  12. ninja fetus

    ninja fetus I'm a thugged out gangsta

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    You just click GO TO ADVANCED, when your about to post. Towards the middle of the page under "additional options" go to manage attachments, select a picture, upload it, then submit reply!
  13. do50

    do50 Big Geek

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    Glad you asked all the questions, Egaladeist... I had no clue either. If you don't already have it.... A WACOM tablet and Adobe Elements lets you work much as you would on paper. I'm convinced Adobe consulted freehand artists to get the right feel and tools. Elements doesn't tie you to "canned" effects.
  14. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    Glad to be of service :good: everybody around here by now probably expects me to ask the stupid questions :D

    I remember back in the seventies and eighties there was some kind of pad and pen that you could draw like on paper...but I never used it myself...alot of my clients back then had these fancy computers ( they were before PC's became popular ) with these gadgets...is that what you mean? :confused:

    how can I get one of these WACOM tablets and Adobe Elements? :good:
  15. ninja fetus

    ninja fetus I'm a thugged out gangsta

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    I think what he's referring to is just a drawing tablet. They're pretty cool!


    That's the most expensive, and largest one on www.newegg.com you can probably find cheaper ones, or larger ones other places
  16. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    Hows this Waffle...of course the pictures have lost some of their substance over the years... :good:

    and this is what the tiger really looks like :good:

    and thanks ninja for filling in the blanks! :good:

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  17. ninja fetus

    ninja fetus I'm a thugged out gangsta

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    that's what I'm here for Tiger looks awesome, I'd like to see more of your work!
  18. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    how about these...any good :good:I tried to upload other drawings but most of my drawings exceed the limits...seems the only ones I can upload ( almost ) are the ones I had photographed :)both of these drawings were drawn as zoo promotional postcards...original size is slightly larger than a regular postcard then reduced to fit ...I cropped off most of the zoo information ( which was all hand drawn too ) and they were saved on my computer at " low definition " to save space so you're not really seeing the original which is alot sharper ...for instance: the original river tigers are 1.48MB. :good:

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  19. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    dude, these are incredible!

    Glad to see some more posts as well.
  20. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    Thanks again..Waffle..I'm glad you like them...but I wish I could post the originals...they're alot sharper! :good:

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