COOL SPOT!! he was the little red spot from 7-Up....that was an awesome game....very close behind sonic in my favourites...
since when did pac man come out on sega, i never seen it. lol i remember last time i needed a speacial adaptor for the sega mega drive cos i burned it out cos they burn out too quickly, we went all over the find a sega adaptor that comes with mega drives, back then it was harder to find sega stuff that it is now. 7 years ago my dad payed about £15 for sonic 3, now about a year ago, i seen it in a shop for 50 pence lol
Found my old megadrive in the attic last night! And going to get an Xbox soon. Oh, Matt, the PSX is still useful even if you have a PS2, on older games the PS2 messes up the graphics a little (like BOF3 and Alundra 1), plus you can't play MGS:Special Missions on PS2, but you can on PSX.
The PSX is the original Grey Playstation, it's name (PSX) comes from the fact that while it is now called PlayStation, it was originally called Project X, so the combination of the two turned into PSX.
which consoles have you own/ed? used to own a N64 and the only game i ever played on it was Perfect Dark (which was a great game) then i sold it. Not much of a console gamer!
I sold my N64 before Perfect Dark came out, if it turned out anything like Timesplitters did, I'm glad I didn't play it. I didn't enjoy Timesplitters one bit.
which consoles have you own/ed? I remember being angry at my n64, because I had it months before it came out in stores, I had one game. Mortal Kombat. I was angry because you can beat the game with the A button. Then I saved up and on the release date, bought Goldeneye for $79.95. Still have it
which consoles have you own/ed? xbox, playstation, n an old console-the family games..super mario n those was fun..whenever i get the chance i get my hands on it..
which consoles have you own/ed? thats it, thats it, it was golden eye i played on n64, its was the best and only game i ever played on it, and it was boring in most parts :\
hmm Atari ST/STE, aTARI 2600, Master system1, master system 2, megadrive 1, megadrive2, sega saturn, nes, snes, gb,gbc, game gear, n64, gc, ps, xbox....and amounts of games, by far my favs are the zelda series, i have all of them except the cdo ones! oh and i have about 8 game and watches, its all gotta go on ebay soon tho, just havnt got the time to do it! i remember when golden eye was released, it was amazing, Rare produced so many great titles! but where are they now?? project dark zero anyone?? I think for me Zelda Ocarina of time is one of my fondest gaming memories, i remember following its developement for two years and when it was released i loved every minute of it, the wind waker didnt really do it for me, i was quite dissapointed to be honest, i didnt even finish it!
WOW, you have alot of retro systems there, i remember, about 3 years ago, me and my parents always used to go to my auntie's house, like every week, they had a game gear, i always used to play sonic on it, its the only game i like, oh no, there was this other one, it was like zelda type of game, cant remember what it was exatly.
I'm quite old next to a lot of you (33), so Vectrex Atari 2600 Dragon 32 (circa 1983) Atari 400 Commodore 16 Commodore 64 Atari ST Amiga 500 (circa 1988) Gameboy Sega Megadrive (Genesis in the US???) Intel 486 PC SNES Playstation 1 Intel P2 PC Playstation 2 Intel P3 PC X Box Intel P4 PC
Ah, an Amstrad CPC 464... I remember a friend having one. Didn't they have a weird setup whereby if you turned the monitor off it powered the system down? The disk drive version was the 664, I think.