i cant remember the weird setup but you would spend hours punching in code from a magazine eg e=g <ifso>goto dis mem rem<277ioe> etc about 150 lines to get a program to run and it didnt work! ive got an amstrad action magazine with a judge dredd (2000ad)game taped to the front i (in my mistaken judgement ) i thought it might be worth some thing one day and yes i think you are correct in thinking the disk version was a 664 i bought an add on disk to mine but it never worked the game i played most was i think the worm returns which was an adventure game in text no graphics only a picture (i still stayed up till 4am trying to do it)for each question the game was made by some famous brothers im going to go into the attic this week ill see if i can find it i bought the cpc off a mate for about £20.00 in 1983 glad you remember it urb it was the begining a front runner at the time and wheres alan sugar now well the rest is history
So much has changed, hasn't it? Atari, Jack Tramiel, Sega making consoles. Red and Blue Space Raiders (the crisps), DECENT slush puppy, Farahs, breakdancing, tight jeans and Ford Escorts. I remember typing out pages on pages of stuff, too, for the C16 just to get a square block to move sluggishly across the screen. Films like Tron encapsulated the fact that we all (well I did) wanted computers to BE computers, blocky (for a time) was good, and games like Mercenary always used to blow me away (and it was always a blue sky). Now everything is ultra-realistic, complete with dymanic weather effects, and whilst its a brilliant achievement, simulating a rainy day is as depressing as the real thing.
now, i went into boots in the uk, there is this game thing, with the power of the sega mega drive, lol, it's got sonic on, and its about £6
I think I've had way to many but here it goes: NES Super NES N64 Neo Geo Colecovision atari 2600 atari lynx atari jaguar sega master system genesis sega nomad 32x sega cd game gear dreamcast saturn ps 1 ps 2 xbox 1 xbox 360 PSP Turbographx 16 Turbographx CD
Consoles I've owned: Atari 2600, NES, SEGA GENESIS, SNES, Gameboy, Gameboy SP, Sega HandHeld (can't remember the name, it sucked tho!) N64, Dreamcast PSX, PS2, PSP I still cherish my SNES....I use to have wicked tourneys with NHL94' with my buddies! Wow, Makes me really feel old!
Sega gamegear is what yr meaning. Thats a nice list. we must b bout same age cause ive owned most of those at some point too. I remember the original gameboy being £100. I would of been 12 or 13.