I've always used dark blue but for the purposes of this thread I tried light blue - it lasted about 30 seconds! The contrast of dark blue works better on my laptop screen, light blue looked too clinical.
I've heard that too, though I use CRTs both at work and home. Maybe the theme toggle should be called 'CRT-Optimized' and 'LCD-Optimized' I should probably make a desaturated version of the HF logo to match the dark blue theme if it really looks that much better on LCDs.
Yeh its possble, and it does look better imho, the dark one is like "wow, too much going on" kind of.
Were pretty much split on this, I've tested it on CRT it looks good; the light blue doesn't seem to look as good as the dark blue. You really need to view dark blue on LCD to see how good it looks. I think giving the user the option to change is good enough. I might give it a go for a week to at the start of June so see if it appeals to guest more. I know dark blue is much preferred design/colour wise. Then again its personal preference really.
well i just accidetally cleared my cache/cookies/history/saved form information, stupidly. Only meant to clear cache, but what the hell. I've know decided I like the dark blue one more... and i just noticed on the dark blue, all teh "edit sig, edit avatar" links have gone!