In the title really. All the html, java, cold fusion code etc was designed to make websites etc easier to make. So who made up the code that tells the system to do whatever?
Its probably made years ago. I'm not sure and i've not researched but microsoft may have made some of those.
I know Sun made Java. Microsoft made a couple like C# and J++. As for C, the reason it's called C is because there was actually an A and a B language before, C is the final version and C++ is an evolution.
HTML (and indeed the Internet) comes originally from scientists & engineers @ DARPA. One of the few good things our bloated government has contributed!
Must be some body from the world war. I heard the the computer development first started during that era to be used as a weapon in the future. The project was divided between the U.S and U.K. but unfortunately the U.K wasn't able to finish its work,.. so U.S had to complete the project on its own. Those guys must be the ones who would have made the first code for the PC. 0 for the circuit to turn off and 1 for the curcuit to turn on.
Just one sign of how the geeks shall inherit the earth...or is that rule? Actually, years back, programs were punchcards with specific holes in them. I had a prof say how grown men cried when the stack of these cards was dropped in water and messed up. Take in mind this was a lot of work, and that you had to schedual time on a computer (when they were larger than a room) to run the program.
My professor for CIS was from one of those ERA's. According to him one had to wear a big leather jacket and very thick clothing as it use to be ICE COLD. They used CRT at that time and they really heat up,... But ALL in ALL,.... he also said that they were handsomely rewarded, a matter of fact he said that when the assembly language came out,.. it was only then their salaries came down to a reasonalbe level (still high) :sick: