Right, I was wondering when I have my new pc built if I could some how have the same windows xp accounts on my next computer.. So say this account i am using now .. and then i could log off and go to my other pc (when its built) and log on to it on that with exactly the same things .. I think my mates computer has it linked to his dads so his dad can check stuff on his.. (his dads on holiday so i cant ask him). If this is possible I would imagine that it would save buying copies of operating systems and programs etc. If anyone has this or know's how to do it, it would be great for some help!
What you're talking about requires floating profiles, which are a feature of domains. Unless you are very rich, I doubt you have the resources to build yourself a domain controller just for floating profiles. The only way I know to do floating profiles cost-effectively the way you're talking about isn't with Windows at all, but with a different OS.
Ok. Oh I just thought of another example- at my school in IT when we log on we have to use Ctrl + Del and then enter user and pass. Which can be used on any computers on that network. Well anyway thanks for the reply!
Yes, that's floating profiles. In the case of your school, it's an NT domain. You need a domain controller for that kind of setup to work. All the best, -AT